Page:Statesman's Year-Book 1921.djvu/581

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Men of Mark in Georgia. 7 vols. AtlatU, 1010.

Phiilipt (L'lrich B.), Georgia. In 'American Commonwealths' Sene*. Boston, Mas*. 1907.

n><7«/»*(0.) Bibliography of Georgia, 1911.

W\\te (George), Historic*! Collections of Georgia. New York, 1854


Government. — Idaho was admitted into the Union on .Inly 3, 1890. The Legislature consists of a Senate of 37 members, and a House of Keprr-en- l of 65 members, all the legislators being elected foi two years. s are held biennially. The electorate of the State consists of citizens, both male and female, over the age of 21 years, who have i in the State over six months. The State is represented in Congress by two Senators and two Representatives.

Governor.— D. W. Davis, 1921-23 (5,000 dollars).

Secretary of Slate. — William T. Dougherty.

The State is divided into 41 counties. The capital is Boise (census population, 21,393 in 1920). Pocatello had a population of 14,961 in 1920.

Area, Population, Religion, Instruction.— Area 83,888 square

miles, of which 534 square miles is water. Area of Indian reservations in 1919, 85 square miles, with a population of 4, 066. In the last 4 census years the total population was : — 1880, 32,610 (0*4) ;1890, 84,385 (l'l) ; 1900. 161,772 (1-9) 1910, 325,594 (3'9).

Census population on January 1, 1920, 431,866.

In 1910 the population by sex and birth was : —


181,237 137,984


398 253






•2,144 90



' 185,546 . 140,048

Total ....






Of the total population 40,427 were foreign-bom, 4,983 being English, 5,049 German, 5,361 Canadian, 4,985 Swedish, 2,566 Norwegian, and 1,782 Irish. Of the total population in 1910, 21 - 5 per cent was urban.

The population is partly Mormon, other religious denominations, in the order of their numbers, being Catholics, Methodists, Presbyterians, and Disciples or Christians.

For supervision of the public schools there is a State Board of Education. In 1919-20the 1,771 public elementary schools had 3,752 teachers, andl02,35S enrolled pupils. The 177 high schools had 5,756 boys and 7,442 girls ; number of teachers, 127 men and 230 women. The two public normal schools had 372 pupils in 1920. Total expenditure on education (1919-20) 9,036,693 dollars. Superior instruction is given in the college of Idaho at Caldwell, the State University of Idaho, founded at Moscow in 1892. which had 90 professors and 1,330 students in 1919. The State has an industrial training school, and a school for the deaf and blind. There are also 5 sectarian colleges or schools to which, however, pupils are admitted without respect to their religions belief.