Page:Statesman's Year-Book 1921.djvu/591

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The output of manufactured goods in Iowa increased in value from 160,572,313 dollars in 1905 to 259,238,000 dollars in 1910. The chief in- dustries deal with pastoral and agricultural produce.

Statistics of the chief industries are given in The Statesman's YEAR- BOOK for 1916, p. 523.

Within the State in 1917 there were 9,837 miles of railway, besides 887 miles (1919) of electric railway track. The rivers also provide facilities for transport.

On June 30, 191P, there were 926 savings banks in the State, with 905,970 depositors having to their credit 391,505,000 dollars, being 482-14 dollars to each depositor.


The Reports of the various Executive Departments of 8tate.

The Iowa Official Register, annual, compiled under the supervision «f the Secretary of State. Des Moines, annual.

P.righam I Johnson), Iowa : its history and its foremost citizens. Des Moines, 1915. Eibotck (J ), Die Deutschen von Iowa und deren ErrungenschafUn. Iowa. 1900. Hamha (W. J.), The Storv of Iowa. Omaha, 1890.


Government. — Kansas was admitted into the Union on January 29, 1861. The Legislature consists of a Senate of 40 members, elected for four years, and a House of Representatives of 125 members, elected for two years. Sessions are biennial.

The right to vote is (with the usual exceptions) possessed by all citizens.

The State is represented in Congress by two Senators and eight Represen- tatives.

Governor.— Henry Allen, 1921-23 (5,000 dollars).

Secretary of State.— J. T. Botkin.

The State is divided into 105 counties. The State Capital is Topeka.

Area, Population, Instruction. — Area 82,158 square miles, 384 square miles being water. Census population on January 1, 1920, 1,769,257. The population in 5 census years was : —



996,096 1,428,108 1,470,495

Per sq. mile Tears


Per sq. mile

1880 1890 1900

12-2 1910 17-5 1920 18-0

1,690,949 1,769,257

20 7 215

In 1910 the population by sex and birth was : —

— White


Asiatic Indian


Male . . 856,437 Female. 777,915

27,964 26,066

1,511 1,056

.,912 805,037

Total . 1,634,352


123 2,444
