Page:Statesman's Year-Book 1921.djvu/633

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Governor.— M. C. Mechem, 1921-23 (5,000 dollars).

Secretary of State. — Manuel Martinez.

For local government the State is divided into 29 counties. The administrative capital of the State is Santa ¥6, population (as shown by the census of 1920;, 7,236.

Area. Population, Instruction.— Area, 122,634 square miles (131 square miles being water area). Census population on January 1, 1920, 360,350.

In five census years the population was : —



119,565 160,282 195,310

  • %? T—


Per aq.


1880 1890 1900

10 1910 1-3 1920 1-6

327,301 360,350


2 6

In 1910 the

population by sex and race was : —

White Negro Asiatic Indian




163,442 891 141.152 737

10.911 10.167

175.245 152,056


304,594 1,628 50« 



In 1910 23,146 were foreign born, of whom 1,746 were Germans, 11,918 Mexicans, 1,101 English, 1,233 Austrians, and 1,959 Italians.

Of the total population in 1910, 14 - 2 per cent, was urban.

The largest towns are Albuquerque, with population of 15,157 in 1920; Raton, 5,544 ; Roswell, 7,062 ; and Santa Fe with 7,236. Indian reservations, with an area of 6,287 square miles in 1919, have Indian population of 20,581, chiefly Navaho, Apache, and Pueblo (or town) Indians.

The prevailing form of religion is Roman Catholic, but various Protes- tant bodies have schools and churches within the State. Religious instruction in public schools is prohibited by law, but boards of directors may open school-houses for the use of religious societies, Ac, at times outside the regular school hours.

Elementary education is free, and all children between 6 and 16 years of age are compelled to attend school. The use of the English language is enforced in schools. There are (1920) 1,430 public elementary schools in the Stat* with 81,399 enrolled pupils, and 2,752 teachers : and 71 public high schools with 257 teachers and 3,870 pupils in 1920. Besides, there are 26 Indian schools with 2,291 pupils, and 141 teachers (maintained by the Federal Government). Three public normal schools had 60 teachers and 2,009 students. Total expenditure on education (1920), 3,301,712 dollars. For special and higher instruction there are various institutions ; a College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts, founded in 1890, with 40 professors and 386 students, a School of Mines, founded at Socorro in 1895, with 8 professors and 34 stndents, a Military Institute, an Institute for the Deaf and Dumb, p.n Orphans' School, and a Reform School. At Albuquerque is the University of New Mexico, founded in 1891 ; it has 25 professors and 531 students in 1919. The State schools are maintained by funds assigned by the State Government, and by the proceeds of the school tax levied by the commissioners of each county, municipality and district.