Page:Statesman's Year-Book 1921.djvu/641

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Hill (founded in 1795) in 1920 with 85 professors and 1,406 students ; and the Agricultural and Engineering College at West Raleigh (founded in 1889) with 83 professors and 819 pupils. Higher education for young women is given in the State College for Women (Greeusboro) which, in 1919-20, had 91 professors and 760 students. There are large sectarian colleges, and also schools and colleges for coloured youths.

Charity. — North Carolina has a State Board of Chaiities and Public Welfare. The county is the unit. Each county has a Superintendent of Public Welfare and a juvenile court to care for the children. These are compulsory in every county of the State. There are three hospitals for the insane, one for negroes, two for whites ; a sch-.ol for the blind and deaf of each race ; a school for the white feebleminded children and women under thirty ; a reform school for white boys ; a training school for delinquent girls and women ; and epileptic colonies at the hospitals for the insane. A hospital-school for crippled children is in course of construction. The State also maintains a home for Confederate Veterans and a home for Con- federate women.

Child-caring institutions are private, but must be licensed and inspected by the State Board of Charities and Public Welfare. Maternity homes and societies for children are also under thu law. Twenty-rive institutions and societies have been licensed.

Private hospitals for the care and treatment of insane, feeble-minded, and inebriates must be licensed. Five are so licensed.

The poor are cared for in County Homes. At the close of the fiscal year 1918, the namber of inmates reported was 1,500.

Finance. — The State had receipts and disbursements in the year ending November 30, 1919, as follows : —


Balance, December 1, 1917 1,372,104

Receipts, 1918-19 10,314,337

Total 11,686,4-11

Disbursements, 1918-19 10,298,870

Balance, December 1, 1919 1,381,571

In 1919 the outstanding debt amounted to 10,090,104 dollars. The assessed value of personal and real property in 1919 was 1,029,993,778 dollars. According to the Council of the Corporation of Foreign Bond- holders the State has a defaulted debt estimated at 12,600,000 dollars. The State declares these bonds to have been fraudulently and corruptly issued during reconstruction days.

Production and Industry. — The chief occupation of the inhabitants of the State is agriculture. In 1910 the State had 253,725 farms, while the area of the farm land was 22,439,129 acres, of which 8,813,056 acres was improved land. The total value of all farm products in 1919 was 683,168,000 dollars. Wheat and maize are grown, the yield of the former in 1920 having been 8,471,000 bushels, and of the latter, 64,032,000 bushels. The chief crop, however, is cotton, of which the area for 1920 was 1,518,000 acres, and the yield 840,000 bales (of 500 pounds, gross weight). Another important product is tobacco, grown on 582,000 acres, which yielded i:; 1920, 384,120,000 pounds, valued at 97,182,000 dollars. Other products