Page:Statesman's Year-Book 1921.djvu/644

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1,155 teachers ; and 6 normal schools with 1,200 pupils and 100 teachers. The State University, founded in 1884, had, in 1918-19, 86 teachers and 1,294 students ; Fargo College (Congregational), founded 1887, had 32 teachers and 602 students ; and the State Agricultural College had 58 teachers and 720 students. ,.

School revenues are derived from the State Fund, district taxes, and various other sources. Expenditure in 1919-20, 15,000,000 dollars.

On January 1, 1910, the number of paupers in almshouses was 81, being 14 per 100,000 of the population. In 1918 the number of prisoners in penal institutions was 201, being 27*8 per 100,000 of the population.

Finance. — The revenue expenditure for the year ending June 30, 1919, was : —

Dollars Cash in hand, July 1, 1918 .... 1,464,595 Receipts, 1918-19 11,720,011

Total 13,184,606

Expenditure, 1918-19 10,228,535

Balance in hand, June 30, 1919 . 2,956,071

Bonded debt on July 1, 1919, 1,230,963 dollars; assessed valuation of real and personal property in 1919, 496,978,049 dollars.

Production and Industry. — Agriculture is the chief pursuit of the North Dakota population. In 1918 there were 70,149 farms with an area of 28,847,607 acres, of which 17,928,761 acres was improved land. The assessed valuation of all farm property in 1918 was 229,397,669 dollars. The area to be irrigated within the State under the Federal Reclamation Act extends to 40,000 acres. The chief products are cereals, potatoes, hay and flax. The wheat crop in 1920 amounted to 68,400,000 bushels ; oats, 59,640,000 bushels ; barley, 22,640,000 bushels. In the same year the area under flax (grown for the seed) was 735,000 acres, and the yield amounted to 3,896,000 bushels of seed, valued at 6,935,000 dollars. The State has also an active live-stock industry, chiefly horse and cattle-raising. On January 1, 1921, the farm animals were 800,000 horses, 464,000 milch cows, 604,000 other cattle, 272,000 sheep, and 402,000 swine. The wool crop yielded 1,654,000 pounds of wool in 1919.

The mineral resources of North Dakota are inconsiderable. Cement is made and there are coal mines.

In the State in 1914 there were 699 manufacturing establishments with an aggregate capital of 14,213,000 dollars, employing 3,275 wage-earners, using raw material costing 14,484,000 dollars, and giving an output valued at 21,147,000 dollars. The most important of these industries was flour and grist milling. The value of the dairy and creamery industry (butter, cheese, and condensed milk) amounted in 1918 to 16,901,267 dollars. Quantity of cream sold in creameries, 19,694,669 pounds.

In 1919 there were 5,316 miles of steam railway in the State, and 27 miles of electric railway (1919). The principal lines are the Great Northern, Northern Pacific, and the St. Paul, Minneapolis and Sault Ste. Marie.

In 1918 there were 4 savings banks in the State, with 21,405 depositors who had to their credit 3,017,223 dollars, being 264*55 dollars to each depositor.