Page:Statesman's Year-Book 1921.djvu/655

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Charity. — In Centre County a State Penitentiary has been constructed. It is considered a model for such institutions. In it all electrocutions take place. There are 31 State Institutions of which 5 are in state of construction (10 general hospitals, 9 insane, 3 feeble-minded and epileptic, 3 reformatories, 1 home for soldiers and sailors, 2 penitentiaries, 1 deaf and dumb, 1 blind, 1 inebriate): and 7 semi-State institutions (1 insane, 1 feeble-minded and epileptic, 2 blind, 1 reform school, 2 deaf and dumb). There are 207 private hospitals, of which 167 receive State aid, 16 sanatoria of which 10 receive State aid. and 298 homes, of which 116 receive State aid. Of the State-aided homes 43 are for children, 11 for women and children, 12 for males, 33 for females, 8 for men, women and children : and 9 for men and women. In these homes there were 13,451 inmates. There are 20 county insane asylums subject to State supervision. On January 1, 1919, there were 15,650 inmates of almshouses, and 4,489 inmates of county jails.

Finance, Defence. — For the year ending Nov. 1, 1920, the receipts, payments, and balances were : —

Dollars Balance, November 1, 1919 .... 14,266,021

Receipts, November 1, 1919, to Oct. 31, 1920 50,302,586

Total .... 64,568,607

Expenditure, November 1, 1919, to Oct. 31, 1920 66,384,612

Deficit, November 1, 1920 .... 1,815,695

On Dec. 1, 1917, the outstanding bonds of the State amounted to 22,651,110 dollars, which are partly covered by a sinking fund of 2,151,110 dollars. On November 1, 1920, the assessed value of real property amounted to 6,836,165,155 dollars, and the taxable value of personal property amounted to 1,907,734,355 dollars.

The State of Pennsylvania has been authorised under the Act of Congress, approved June 3, 1916, known as the National Defence Act, and which has been amended by the Act of Congress, approved June 5, 1920, to organise one division of National Guard troops, to be known as the 28th Division, and which is authorised to wear the insignia of the red keystone. In addition to this division, four regiments of infantry are being organised.

Of this organisation, consisting of about 728 officers and 15,500 men, there have been enlisted or commissioned to date 367 officers and 5,892 men.

Tables of organisation are now being prepared by a committee in th< Department, which will fix the relative strength of the various organisations of a division.

Production and Industry. — Agriculture, market gardening, fruit growing, horticulture and forestry are pursued within the State. In 1919 there were 202,256 farms; the farm area was 18,586,832 acres, of which 12,673,519 acres were improved. In 1918 the total value of all farm property was 1,253,274,862 dollars. In 1920 the yield of wheat was 26,774,"760 bushels ; oats, 44.858,325 bushels ; tobacco, 60,541,000 pounds; maize, 66,457,800 bushels; rye, 3,810,470 bushels; buckwheat, 5,174,000 bushels ; potatoes, 26,151,000 bushels ; hay, 4,044,250 tons. In 1920 the wool clip amounted to 4,751,000 pounds. In 1921 the farm animals in Pennsylvania were 549,000 horses, 45,000 mules, 951,000 milch cows, 691,000 other cattle, 856,000 sheep, and 1,339,000 swine.

Pennsylvania so far exceeds all the rest of the States in the value