Page:Statesman's Year-Book 1921.djvu/661

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School attendance is not compulsory, but there are restrictions on the employment of illiterate children in factories or mines. There are separate schools for white and coloured children. In 1920 the 14,824 public schools of the State had 478,045 enrolled pupils and 9,699 teachers. The 132 public high schools had 427 teachers and 12,555 pupils in 1920. For the training of teachers there is one public normal school with 67 teachers and 974 students in 1916. For higher instruction the State has the University of South Carolina, founded at Columbia in 1805, with, in 1919, 37 professors and 508 students ; Clemson Agricultural College, founded in 1893, had 71 professors and 840 students in 1916 ; Charleston City College, founded in 1790, with 10 professors and 73 students; Allen University, founded at Columbia in 1880 for coloured students (A.M. E. ), with 17 professors and 631 students ; Erskine College, founded at Dim West in 1837 (A. R. Presb.), with 10 professors and 143 students ; Wofford College (M. E. So.), founded in 1854 at Spartanburg, with 12 professors and 385 students. There are several smaller denominational colleges, and also 8 colleges for women. There is also a college for coloured youths, a military academy, and a normal and industrial college. Expenditure on public school education in 1920, 6,660,399 dollars.

Charity. — The State maintains several charitable institutions, including an Hospital for the insane, and an Asylum for the deaf, dumb, and blind. There are besides 9 orphanages, 10 hospitals, and 10 homes for adults and children maintained mainly by private charity.

Finance. — The receipts and expenditure in 1919, including loans, transfers, &c. , were to the following amounts : —


Bsdauce, January 1, 1919 818,538

Receipts in 1919 . ...... 7,195,109

Total 8,013,647

Expenditure in 1919 6,913,501

Balance, December 31, 1919 .... 1,100,146

On December 31, 1919, the outstanding debt amounted to 5,382,059 dollars. The assessed value of real property in 1919 was 207,829,170 dollars, of personal property 152,670,741 dollars.

Production and Industry. — South Carolina is an agricultural State containing in 191, 176,434 farms, more than half of which were negro farms. The farm area covered 13,512,028 acres, 6,097,999 acres being improved land. The total value of all farm property in 1910 was 392,128,314 dollars. About 68 per cent, of the area of the State is woodland. The chief cereal crops in 1920 were wheat, 1,760,000 bushels; maize, 42,370,000 bushels; oats, 10,416,000 bushels ; and rice, 102,000 bushels. Of greater importance is the cultivation of cotton, under which in 1920 were 2,877,000 acres, yielding 1,530,000 bales of upland cotton, valued at 110,925,000 dollars. Under tobacco in 1920 were 103,000 acres, yielding 66,950,000 pounds, valued at 10,042,000 dollars. On January 1, 1921, the farm animals in the State were 79,000 horses, 217,000 mules, 215,000 milch cows, 254,000 other cattle, 26,000 sheep, and 1,099,000 swine. The wool clip in 1919 yielded 103,000 lbs.

The State has active fisheries, mainly oysters, whiting, shad, and sea-bass.