Page:Statesman's Year-Book 1921.djvu/673

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portation. In 1917 the State had 2,144 miles of mainline, the principal railways beinji the Denver and Rio Grande (762 miles), the Oregon Short Line (242), the Central Pacific (273), the Union Pacific (75), the San Pedro, Los Angeles and Salt Lake railway (503), Western Pacific (122 miles).

There were also about 448 miles of electric railway in 1919.

In 1917, there were 10 savings banks in the State with 61,000 depositors who had to their credit 16,648,228 dollars, being 272 92 dollars to each depositor.

Books of Reference.

Revised Statutes of the State of Utah. Utah Legislature, 1907.

Reports of the various Administrative Departments of the State.

Annual Report of the Bureau of Statistics. Salt Lake City.

U. S. Census Bureau Bulletin 37, Census of Manufactures, 1910. Washington, 1913.


Government. — Vermont was admitted into the Union as a State on February 18, 1791. The Constitution in force at the time of admission was that of 1786. In 1793 anew Constitution was adopted which, with amend- ments made in 1828, 1836, 1850, 1870, 1833, and 1913, is still in force. The State legislature consists of a Senate of 30 members and a House of Repre- sentatives of 246. Electors are all citizens of the United States with certain residential qualifications.

The State sends two Senators and two Representatives to the United States ConsreeB.

Governor.— James Hartness, 1921-1923 (3,000 dollars).

Secretary of State. — Harry A. Black.

The seat of the State Executive is at Montpelier. The State is divided into fourteen counties.

Area, Population, Instruction. — Area, 9,564 square miles, of which

440 square miles is water. Census population on January 1, 1920, 352,428.



Total Per sq. mile

Total Per sq. mile

1860 1880

315,098 34 5 1900 332,286 364 1910

343,641 377 355,956 39

The population in 1910 according to sex and race was : —







Male .... Female



1,173 448

23 14

182,568 173,388

Total .






The State contains a very high proportion of English. In 1910 the foreign-born population numbered 49,861, of whom 14,643 were Canadian