Page:Statesman's Year-Book 1921.djvu/751

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(Congo Beloe.)

Constitution and Government.— The Congo Independent State was founded in 1885 by Leopold II., King of the Belgians, and the State was placed under his sovereignty.

The annexation of the State to Belgium was provided for by treaty of November 28, 1907, which was approved by the chambers of the Belgian Legislature in August and by the King on October 18, 1908. The Minister for the Colonies is appointed by the King, and is a member of the Council of Ministers. He is President of "the Colonial Council, consisting of 15 members, 8 of whom are appointed by the King, and 3 chosen by the Senate and 3 bv the Chamber of Representatives. One of those appointed by the King, and one chosen by the Legislative Chambers, retire annually, but may be re- appointed. The King is represented in the Colony by a" Governor-General,