Page:Statesman's Year-Book 1921.djvu/756

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Books of Reference concerning the Belgian Congo. 1. Official.

Anglo-Congolese Convention of May 12, 1894. and May 9, 190G.

The Bulletin Offlciel du Congo Beige succeeds from Nov. 15, 1908, the Bulletin Officiel de l'Etat Independant. Brussels.

Bulletin Agricole du Congo Beige.

Rcnseignenients de l'Office Colonial.

Bulletin Administratifet Commercial, published fortnightly at Boma.

Journal Administratif du Vice-Gouyernement General du Katanga, published fort- nightly at Elizabethville.

Convention between Her Majesty and the King, of the Belgians in the name of the International Association of the Congo. London, 1885.— Correspondence with Her Majesty's Ambassador at Berlin respecting West African Conference. London, 1885. — Franco- Congolese Convention of August 14, 1894. — General Act of the Conference held at Brussels in 1890 — Protocols and General Act of the West African Conference. London, 1885.— L'Etat Independant du Congo. Documents surle Pays et ses Habitants. Brussels.

Correspondence, and Report from His Majesty's Consul at Boma, respecting the administration of the Independent State of the Congo. London, various Blue-Books.

Fallon (F.), L' Agriculture au Congo Beige. London, 1918.

A Manual of the Belgian Congo. Issued by the Geographical Section of the Naval In- elligence Division Naval Star!'. London, 1920.

2. Unofficial.

Anton (G. R.), and Bamhaupt (C), Kongostaat und Kongo Reform. Munich, 1911.

Bauw (H.), Le Katanga. Brussels, 1920.

Blanehard (G.), Formation et Constitution Politique del'Etatlndependant du Congo. Paris, 1899.

Boulger (D.C.), The Congo State. London, 1898.

Bourne (H.. R. F.), Civilization in Congoland. London, 1903.

Bitchier (M.), Der Kongostaat Leopolds II. 2 vols. Zurich, 1913.

Burdo (A.), Les Beiges dans l'Afrique centrale. 6 vols. Brussels, 1891.

Castelein (A.), L'Etat du Congo, ses origines, ses droits, ses devoirs, le requisitoire de ses accusateurs. Brussels, 1907.

Cattier (F.), Droit et Administration de l'Etat Independant du Congo. Brussels, 1898 —Etude sur la situation de l'Etat Independant du Congo. Brussels, 1906.

Descamps (Baron E.), L'Afrique Nouvelle. Brussels, 1903. Also English Translation. London, 1903.

Dubreucq (R.), A travers le Congo Beige. Brussels, 1909.

Durand (E.) and (H.), Sylloge Florae Congolanae. Brussels, 1909.

Qojjart (F.) et Moristen (G.), Le Congo : Geographic physique, politique et economique. Brussels, 1908.

Qohr (A.), De l'Organisation judiciaire et de la competence en matiere civil* et com- merciale au Congo. Liege, 1910.

Uoffin (A.), Les pecheries et les Poissons du Congo. Brussels, 1909.

Halewyek (M.), La Charte Coloniale, 3 vols. Brussels, 1910—1919.

Harm (J. H.), Dawn in Darkest Africa. London, 1912.

Hutereau (A.), Documents Ethnographiques Congolais. Brussels, 1910.

Jack (Major E. M.), On the Congo Frontier. Travel and Sport. London, 1914.

Johnston (Sir H. H.), The River Congo. London, 1895.— The Colonisation of Africa. 2nd ed. London, 1913.

Keith (A. B.), The Belgian Congo and the Berlin Act. London, 1919.

Keltie(J. Scott), The Partition of Africa. 2nd Edition. London, 1895.

Morel (E. D.), Affairs of West Africa. London, 1902.— King Leopold's Rule in Africa, London, 1904.— Red Rubber. With Introduction by Sir H. Johnston. London, 1906.— Great Britain and the Congo. London, 1909.

Ortroy(T. Van), Conventions Internationales concernant l'Afrique. Brussels, 1898.

Paqve (E. A. J.), Notre Colonic Etude pratique sur le Congo Beige. Naniur, 1910.

Pcrier (Gaston-Denys), Moukanda, choix de lectures sur lc Conj,o Beige et quelques regions voisines, Brussels, 1914.

Pierantoni (R.), Le Congres de Berlinetl' Etat Independant du Congo. Brussels, 1901. Roby (M.), My Adventures in the Congo. London, 1911.

Simar (V. L.), Bibliographie de Congo de 1S95 a 1916. Brussels, 1911. Stanley (H. M.), The Congo and the Founding of its Free State. 2>ols. London, 1885. —Through the Dark Continent. 2 vols. London, 1878..

Kan Der Linden (Fr.), Le Congo, les uoirs et nous. 1890.

Vandervelde (E.), La Belgique et le Congo. Paris, 1911.

Waltz (H.) Das Konzessionswesen im Belgischen Kongo. 2 vols. Jena, 1917,