Page:Statesman's Year-Book 1921.djvu/785

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2. Of Great Britain in Bulgaria. Envoy Extraordinary and Minister PlsnipoUntiarv. — Sir Arthur Robert Peel, K.C.M.G. Appointed October 12, 1920. Secretaries.— F. J. R. RoJd and D. Mackillop. Commercial Secretary. — W. B. Heard.

Consul.— B. J. Gilliat-Smith. There are Consular representatives at Sofia, Varna, Bourgas, Philippopolis and Rustchuck.

Books of Reference concerning Bulgaria.

Foreign Office Reports. Annual Series. London.

The Official Reports ou Commerce, Education, Movetuentof Population, Agriculture, Ac.

La Bulgaria Contemporaine. Edited by the Bulgarian Ministry of Commerce and Agriculture. Brussels, 1906. Eng. Tram. Bulgaria of To-day. London, 1907.

Report of the International Commission to inquire into the Causes and Conduct of the Balkan War. Washington. 1914.

Bulgaria. (Peace Handbook prepared by the Foreign Office.) London, 1920.

Abadjirj) (Clir.). Die Hande'spolitik Bulgariens. Munich, 1910.

Aneel(J.), L'Unite de la politique bulgare (1870-1919). Pans, 1920.

AntonoJ (B.), Bulgarieu, a.f>. 079-1917. Berlin, 1917.

' Balkanicus,' The Aspirations i>f Bulgaria. London, 1915.

Boutqwt (G.),Histoire du peuple bulgare depuis les originesjusqu'&nos jours. Paris, 1909.

Buxton (N.) and L*e**(0. L.), Balkan Problems and European Peace. London, 1919.

Conway (Agnes Ethel), A Ride through the Balkans. London. 1917.

Cvijii (Jevau), La Peninsula Balkanique. Paris, 1918.

Delaunay (L.), La Bulgarie d'hier et de demain. Paris, 1914.

Eliot (Sir C), Turkey in Europe. (Latest edition, 1908.)

Entehff {Q.\ Die Industrie Bulgariens. Zurich and Leipzig, 1915.

Forbes (N.) and Others, The Balkans. Oxford, 1915.

Fox (F.), Bulgaria. London, 1915.— The Balkan Peninsula. London, 1915.

Garnet (Lucy), Baikan Home Life. London, 1917.

Gurehojf (J." E.), L'Alliance Balkanique. Paris, 1915. (English translation, • The Politics of the Balkan League.' London, 1915.)

Gurrin, Songton (R. P.), Histoire de la Bulgarie. Paris, 1913.

Gvbernatu (Conite de), La Bulgarie et les Bulgares. Florence, 1899.

Honotaux (G.), La Guerre des Balkans et L'Enrope, 1912-13. Paris, 1914.

Huhn (Major A. von), The Struggle of the Balkans for National Independence under Prince Alexander. London, 1886.

Ithirkoff (A.), Bulgarien : Land nnd Leute. Leipzig, 1917.

Ivanoff (J.), Les Bulgares devant le Congres de la PaiT. Bern, 1919.

Jaekel (B.), The Land of the Tamed Turk : the Balkan States of To-day. Boston, 1910.

Kanitz (F.), Donau-Bulgarien und der Balkan, 1860-75. 3 vols. Leipzig, 1875-79.

Landemont (Comte de). L'elan d'un Peuple: La Bulgarie jusqu'au traite de Londres, 1861-1913.

L<oer(L.), Serbes, Croates et Bulgares. Paris, 1913.

Logio (G. C), Bulgaria: Problems and Politics. London, 1919.

Mikhoff (N.), La Bulgarie et son Peuple. Lausanne, 1918.

Miller (W.), The Balkans. In "Story of the Nations " series. London, 189€.— Travels and Politics in the Near East. London. 1898.

Mi-heir (D.), The Bulgarians in the Past. Lausanne, 1919.

Murray (W. S.). The Making of the Balkan State. London, 1912.

Muzt-t (A.), Aux pays Balkaniques (Montenegro, Serbia, and Bulgaria). Paris, 1912.

Xeitbigin (Marion 1.), Geographical Aspects of Balkan Problems. London, 1915.

Pinon (R.), L'Europe et 1 'Empire Ottoman. Paris, 190S.

Rankin (R.), The Inner History of the Balkan War. London, 1914.

RiMoff (T>.), Die Bulgaren in ihren historischen, ethnographischen und politischen Grenzen. Leipzig, 1917.

Sehurman (J. G.), The Balkan Wars, 1912-1913. Princetown, 1915.

Stepnanov (C.) The Bulgarians and Anglo-Saxondom. Berne, 1919.

Wei*t-B*rientt*in (W. K.), Bulgariens Volkswirtschaft und ihre Entwicklungsmgo- lichkeiten. Berlin, 1918.

Wood* H.. Charles), The Danger Zone of Europe. London, 1911.

The Balkan Review/. Edited by Crawford Price. Vol. 1. No. 1. February, 1919. London. Monthly