Page:Statesman's Year-Book 1921.djvu/799

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Versailles. China has not signed this Treaty. Chinese opposition is being expressed in a serions boycott of the Japanese. On January 19, 1920, Japan declared her willingness to negotiate with China on the question. But popular feeling in China was strongly opposed to this course owing to mistrust of Japan, and Peking refused on May 22. 1920, so to negotiate with Tokyo, preferring to refer the question to the League of Nations, or a conference of the Powers including the United States of America.

By agreement with the Chinese Government, dated March 27, 1898, Russia took possession of Port Arthur and Talienwan and their adjacent territories and waters, on lease for the term of 25 years, with option of extension by mutual agreement. In 1P00, in consequence of the ' Boxer' uprising, Russia occupied Manchuria. Japan, after long and unsuccessful efforts to induce Russia to withdraw, broke off diplomatic relations, and on February 8, 1904, commenced hostilities. The war, in the course of which Japan proved victorious both on land and at sea, was brought to an end by the Treaty of Portsmouth signed September 5, 1905. Under this Treaty Russia and Japan agreed to evacuate Manchuria, except the territory affected by the lease of Kwantung (or the Liao-tung Peninsula), where Japan succeeds to the leasehold and other rights of Russia. The exclusive administration of Manchuria (with the exception mentioned) was to be restored to China. By treaty of December 22, 1905, China agreed to the transfer to Japan from Russia of the lease of the Liao-tung Peninsula and the control of the railway from Port Arthur to Ch'ang-chnn (Kwan- ch'Sngtzu), and conceded to Japan the right to construct a railway from Antung to Mukden, and agreed to open 16 Manchurian porta and citiea to foreign commerce. For the Japanese demands on I'hina, made on January 18, 1915, see The Statesman's Year Book for 1920, p. 738.

In July, 1910, a convention was signed between Russia and Japan agreeing to co-operate to maintain the ' status quo ' in Manchuria in ac- cordance with the treaties and conventions already made. For such period as Russia should hold Port Arthur, Great Britain was, by agreement with China, April 2, 1898, to hold Wei-Hai-Wei in the province of Shan- tung. For defensive purposes Great Britain on June 9, 1898, obtained a 99 years' lease of territory on the mainland opposite the island of Hong Kong.

The Chinese Government granted to the French in April, 1898, a 99 years' lease of the Bay of Ku»ng-Chau-Wan, on the coast of the peninsula, between Hong Kong and the Island of Hainan, and in November, 1899, the possession of the two islands commanding the entrance of the bay. This territory has been placed under the authority of the Governor-General of French Indo- China.

Peking, the capital of China, has now a population of over one million, including about two thousand foreigners. The population of the principal Chinese ports is given as follows for 1918 : — Aigun, 18,546 : Sansing, 15,465; Harbin, 28,600; Antung, 51,834; Dairen, 54,715: Newchwang, 58,061 ; Chinwangtao, 5,000 ; Tientsin, 800,000 ; Chefoo, 54,450 ; Tsingtau, 50,175 ; Chungking, 437,600 ; Wanhsien, 70,000 ; Chang - sha, 535,800; Ichang, 55,000; Shasi, 105,000; Hankow, 1,443,950: Kiukiang, 36,000; Wuhu, 99,584; Nanking, 376,291; Chinkiang, 168,309; Shanghai, 1,000,000 ; Soochow, 500,000 ; Hangchow, 684,137 : Ningpo, 670,000 ; W'enchow, 212,699 ; Santuao ; 8,000 ; Foochow, 624,000 ; Amoy, 114,000 ; Swatow, 85,000 ; Canton, 900,000 ; Kongmoon, 70,000 : Samshui, 6.000 ; Kiungchow, 58,527; Pakhoi, 20,000; Wuchow, 40,000: Nanning, 50,000; Lungchow, 13,000 ; Mengtsz, 10,000 ; Szemao, 15,000: Tengyueh, 10,000.