Page:Statesman's Year-Book 1921.djvu/828

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certificates), 10,155,931 pesos ; silver coinage, 6,555,293 pesos ; nickel coinage, 1,308,088 pesos ; and bills of old issues not presented for exchange, 214,606 pesos, making a total of 42,182,410 pesos. Besides this sum in legal tender, there were also in circulation on June 30, 1920 : — Treasury certificates, 3,536,887 pesos ; bank certificates, 2,057,986 pesos; mortgage certificates, 4,728,600 pesos ; certificates of the mint of Medellin, 2,354, 7^5 pesos ; and bonds and national notes, 7,465,253 pesos ; or a total of 20,143,451 pesos, which, added to the legal specie, gives a general total of 62,325,862 pesos.

The metric system was introduced into the Republic in 1857. In custom- house business the kilogramme, equal to 2,204 avoirdupois pounds, is the standard. .In ordinary commerce thearroba, of 25 Colombian pounds, or 12^ kilos ; the quintal, of 100 Colombian pounds, or 50 kilos ; and the carga, of 250 Colombian pounds, or 125 kilos, are generally used. The Colombian libra is equal to 1'102 pound avoirdupois. The Colombian vara or 80 cm., is still in some cases the measure of length used for retailing purposes, but in liquid measure the French litre is the legal standard.

Diplomatic and Consular Representatives.

1. Of Colombia in Great Britain.

Minister and Envoy. — Dr. Ignacio Gutierrez-Ponce (January 13, 1915).

Counsellor. — Dr. Rafael Parga.

Secretary of Legation. — Alfonso Delgado.

Second Secretary. — Carlos A. Davila.

Attache'. — Benjamin Casabianca.

Consvl-Grnrral. — D. Joaquin Orrantia.

Director of Bureau of Information and Trade Propaganda. — J. Medina.

There are consuls or vice-consuls at Liverpool, Southampton, Birmingham, Cardiff, Dundee, Glasgow, Newcastle, and Manchester.

2. Of Great Britain in Colombia.

Envoy, Minister and Conml-Qcncral. — Lord IT. A. R. Hervey. Appointed 1919.

Naval AttachL — Paymaster Lt. -Commander Lloyd Hirst, R.N. Commercial Secretary. — G. W. Rhys-Jenkins.

There are vice-consuls at Barranquilla, Bogota, Carthagena, Pasto, Medellin, and Santa Marta, and consular agents at Tumaco, Honda, and Buenaventura.

Statistical and other Books of Reference concerning Colombia.

1. Official Publications.

Anales diplomaticos y hires de Colombia. Bogota.

Bulletins of the Bureau of the American Republics, Washington, D.C.

Constitution of the Republic of Colombia (August 7, 1S86). Bogota.

Diario Official. Bogota.

Estadistiea General por Henrique Arboleda. Bogota, 1005.

Foreign Office Reports, Annual Series and Miscellaneous Series. London.

Mumoria del Ministro de Obras Piiblicas — del Ministro de Gtierra ; del Ministro de Iiistrucuioii Publica; Ministro de Relaciones Exteriores ; Ministro de Gobierno ; Ministro del Tesoro ; Ministro de Hacienda. Bogota.

Informe del Superintendente de las Kentas Publicas. Bogota.

Boletin del Ministerio de Relaciones Kxteriores. liogota. Quarterly.

Informe del Inspector pene'ral de Correos y Tel egrafo— Annual. Bogota,

Informe del Director General de Kstadistica Nacional. Bogota, lyit;