Page:Statesman's Year-Book 1921.djvu/835

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Diplomatic representatives — books of reference 783

Diplomatic and Consular Representative*.

1. Of Costa Rica in Great Britain

Envoy Extraordinary/ and Minister PlenipjUntiary in London. — Vacant.

Consul-Qenerah — W. J. LeLaehenr, 58, Lombard Street, E.C.

There are Consular Representatives at Birmingham. Cardiff, Falmouth, Glasgow, Leeds, Liverpool, Manchester, Nottingham, Southampton, Swansea.

2. Of Britain in Costa Rica.

Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary and Consul- General — A. Percy Bennett, C.M.G., resident at Panama. Consul.— F. N. Cox. Consul at Port Limon. — F. Gordon.

Statistical and other Books of Reference concerning Costa Rica.

1. Official Publications.

The publications of the Departments of Fiuance and Commerce, of the Interior, of War and Marine, of Industry, of Education, the Census utfice.

Auuario Estadistico. San Jose, Annual.

Doctimentos relativos a la Controversia de limites eon la Republics de Panama. San Jose, 1909.

2. Non-Official Publications.

Barrante: (F. Montero), Elementos de Historia de Costa Rica. San Jose. 1892.

Biolley (Paul), Costa Rica and her Future. Washington, 1889.

Cairo (J. B.), The Republic of Costa Rica. Chicago, 1890.

Fernandez (L.) Historia de Costa Rica, 1502—1821. Madrid. 1889.

Frobel (Julius), Aus Auierika. 2 vols. Leipzig, 1857-58.

Keane (A. H.), Central and South America. 2nd ed. [In Stanford's Compendium.] London. I* y.

l/arr(N.), Reise nach Centralamerika. 2 vols. Hamburg, 186S.

Morelot (L.), Voyage dans I'Ainerique centrale. 2 vols. Paris, 1859.

} aimer (F.), Central America and its Problems. New Yo.-k, 1910.

Peralta (Manuel M.), Costa Rica: its Climate, Constitution, and Resources. With survey of its present financial position. London, 1873.

Pedor (D.X Les richesses tie 1'Ameriuue Centrale. Paris, 19(9.

Pirigny (M. del, Les cinq Rep -bliques de l'Amerique Centrale. Paris, 1910.— La Republique de Costa-Rica. Paris, 1918.

Seherxer (Karl, Ritterron), Wanderungen durch die mittelamerikaniachen Freintaaten Braunschweig, 1857.

Sehroeder (J.), Costa Rica State Immigration. San Jose, 1S'.'4.

Vote (E. N ), Costa Rica : Dun's Commercial Monograph. New York, 191$.

Wmoner (Moritz), Die Republik Costa Ricain Centralamerika Leipzir, 185fi