Page:Statesman's Year-Book 1921.djvu/840

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788 CUBA

The Nalioual'Bank of Cuba, at Havana, had assets ou January 3], 1020, amounting to 145,579,273 pesos.

The metric system of weights and measures is in use.

Diplomatic and Consular Representatives.

1. Of Cuba in Great Britain.

Envoy and Minister. — General Carlos Garcia Velez (June 11, li'l2».

Secretaries. — Dr. Kafael Rodriguez Altunaga and Dr. Pedro Rodriguez: Capote.

Chancellor of Legation. — Francisco de la Campa.

Consul in London. — AugUsto Merehan.

There is a Consul- General in Liverpool, and Consuls in Birmingham, Glasgow, Hull, and other towns.

2. Of Great Britain in Cuba:

Envoy and Minister — Hon. W. Erskine, M.V. 0. (appointed September 3, 1919).

Naval AllacM.— Lt.-Com. K. King, R.N.

British Vice-Consuls at Havana. — G. F. Plant and C. A. Edmund.

There is a British Consul at Santiago, and Vice-Consuls at Cienfuegos, Camagiiey, Antilla, Puerto Padre, and Cardenas.

Books of Reference concerning Cuba.

1. Official Publications.

Annuario EstadistiCO dtf ia Repnblica dc Cuba. Havana. Annua!. (First issue, 1014.

Cuba : What She has to Offer to the Investor or the Home-seeker. Havana. 1916.

Report of the Committee on Foreign Relations on Affairs in Cuba. United States Senate, No. 885. Fifty-fifth Congress. Washington.

Monthly Bulletin of the Bureau of the American Republics for September, 1006. Washington.

Estadistica General: Comereio Exterior. Quarterly and Annual.— Movimientb de Poblacion. Monthly and Annual. Havana.

Infornie Bi-Anual Sanitario y Demografico. Havana.

2. Non-Official Publications.

C.uia directorio de!a republics de Cuba.(l)aill.v-!?ailliere-Riera.) Comereio. indnstria. afericultura. panaderia, minrria, propiedn,!, profesiones y elemcnto oflcial. Barcelona.

At.kih»(3. B.), The War in Cuba. London, 1890.

Caidwdl (U. G), The Lopez Expeditions to Cuba, 1848-1861. London and Princeton i$H5.

Callahan (J. M.). Cuba and international Relations. London, 1M&

Clark (W. J.), Commercial Cuba. London, 1800.

Davey (R.), Cuba in War Time. 1<ondon, 1897.- I LUd Present, i

Ewartt » y las cbstumbres Cubanas. Boston, 1919.

  • 't«/.-e(A. It.), History ol the Islands of the West Indian . New \ oik, 1800.

,lohn*ou (W;!•'.). History oH'uba. .vols. New York.;

Ceiilfe'i Official History of the Spanish-American War. Washing

BNur«M(0. CACuba : The hand of Opportunity, London. 1919

Parker [Vt. B.V Cubans of To-Dav. New Toil, 1918.

Viron (H.), L'He de Cuba. Paris, 1898.

Porter (U. P.), Industrial Cuba. New York, l

Rtbinion(X. '■■<. Cuba : Old and New. London, 1916.

Ilnofcvit (Til.). The Rough Kid. is. London, 1S00.

H,nr,m (A. P.), and rtamtm (M. M.l, The IMnnd of Cuba. London, 1 TO8-

Trellei (C. M.), Biblloteea peopraflc* I'nhana. Mfctftu

i „/. , ercio Exterior de Cuba. Havana |

Wright (I. A.), The Karlr History of Cuba (Hfe.'-lSSti). I. union, 191T