Page:Statesman's Year-Book 1921.djvu/845

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The main items of th« Budget for 1921 arc shpwn as fullows :—





fusts aii'l




Work* i


the Interior


lor Recon-


SS1,078.00* 1


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The debts of the new Republic falj into I bts result-

ing from the war : (2) Czecho-Slovakia's share of Aiist 6- war

iaes of the Allies : (4) internal debt ; (5) loans of the new Republic.

Sonie particulars of these loans are given as follows : — I. Debts resulting from the War. — (a) To United S For food supplies. Interest at

5 per cent. Xo fixed period of repayment. 57,744,750 dollars. (2) For supplies purchased from American Liquidation Commission. Interest at 5 per cent. Re payable in 1922, 5.000,000 dollars ; repayable in 1923, 5,000,000 dollars ; repayable in 1924, 14,942,546 dollars. (3) For Czecho- slovak army in Siberia. Interest at 5 per '-ent. No fixed date of repayment. Amount a.s yet not fixed. Estimate of minimum, 19,000,000 dollars. (4) For war materials purchased at Coblenx, 2,710,930 dollars. (b\ To France : (1) For war materials. Interest at 5 per cent. Repayable July, 1921. 110,000,000 francs. (2) For maintenance of Czecho Slovak leeions in Prase*, 200.000,000 francs. (r) To Italy: (1) For roaintenande of riuy in Italy. 1jU.uOO.000 lire. (2) For raw materials. Due to group ot Italian bankers. Interest at 6 per cent. 20,000,000 lire.

(3) For credit arranged for one year on April 1, 1920, 6,000.000 lire, (if) To Great Britain : For relief supplies Interest at 5 per cent. 304,1Q6J.

II. Share of Austria-Hungary's pre-war debt— 1.200,000,000 gold francs and 4,800.000,00'J erov.

III. Tax of liberation. — 750,000,000 francs.

IV. Internal debt. — 4,800,000,000 crowns ot Hungarian 1,'ente, and 8,000,000,000 crowns of Austro-Hnngarian bank-notes cir- culating in the h\ public, making a total of 12,800,000,680 crowns.

V. Loans of the Republic— (1) First liberty loan. 1,000,000,000 crowns; (2) second liberty loan 14 per cent. State loan), payable 1922-24, 983,022,000 crowns; (3) Loan of Government from the banks, 1.031,500,000 crowns ;

(4) premium 4§ per cent, loan, payable 1926-60, amount not stated.

The total indebtedness of the State on December 31, 1920, is given as follows:— 3, 500.0C 0,000 francs of foreign debt and 25,000,860,000 crowns as internal debt.

Hoard of Audit and Control was constituted by an enactment of March 20, 1919. It is charged with the superintendence of State eeononr. State property and the national debt. This Board has an equal standing