Page:Statesman's Year-Book 1921.djvu/866

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selves administrative districts co-ordinate with the provinces. The municipal councils are elected direct by universal suffrage (men and women over 25 years of age), in urban municipalities by Proportional Representation, but in rural municipalities by simple majority.

Area and Population. — The following table gives the area and population of Iceland in 1910 : —


The South-West

The Western peninsula

The North .

The East

The South .

Area, English sq. m.

4,125 3,65S

13,095 5,954


Population, 1910.

27,803 13,3Sf 20,971 S,5s5 14,378


85,1 S3


1910, Pit sq. ir.

68 37 15 14 12

On December 31, 1919, the population was estimated at 92,818. The growth of the population has been as follows : —


1880 1690


Increase per cent, annually.


72,445 70,927


1901 1910


Increase per cent, annually.

78,470 85,183

0'92 0-91

In 1910 there were 41,105 males and 44,078 females. The conjugal condition was as follows ; —

Unmarried .

Males . Females

27,444 s 28,309

! —


11,921 11,869

1,528 3,088


212 222

In 1910, 57,719 were domiciled in rural districts, and 27,461 in towns and villages (of over 300 inhabitants). The population is almost entirely Icelandic. In 1910 the foreign-born population numbered only 706, or 0"6 per cent, of the whole ; 360 were born in Denmark, 194 in Norway, and 152 in other countries.

According to occupation the population of Iceland in 1910 was classified as follows : —

Immaterial production . . 2,002

Agriculture .... 43,411

Fishing .... 1 ...smu

Industry .... ti.OSl

Commerce and transport . 8,940 Da7 labourer* and domestic §er-

vants . . . . 10,103

Pensioners and capitalist* . 902

Relieved by public assistance . 1,060

Profession not stated . . 644

Total . 85,1 S3

The capital of Iceland, Reykjavik, had in 1919 a population of 16,154 ; other towns are Akureyri, 2,256, Vestmannaeyjar, 2,151, Hafnarfjordur, 2,052, Isafjordur, 1,900.