Page:Statesman's Year-Book 1921.djvu/872

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(Rkpublica del Ecuadok.) Constitution and Government.

The Republic of Ecuador was constituted May 11, 1830, in consequence of a civil war which separated the members of the original Republic of Colombia; founded by Simon Bolivar, by uniting the Presidency of Quito to the Vice-Royalty of New Grenada, and the Captaincy-General of Venezuela, when they threw off the Spanish yoke. Under the present Constitution, promulgated December 28, 1906, the executive is vested in a President, elected for the term of four years, while the legislative power is given to a Congress of two Houses ; the first consisting of thirty-two senators, two for each province (chosen for four years), and the second of 48 deputies, on the basis of one deputy for every 30,000 inhabitants, chosen for two years ; both elected by adults who can read and write. The Congress meets on the 10th of August of every year at Quito, the capital, without being summoned by the Government. The election of the President takes place in a direct manner by the people. Under the present constitution there is no election for Vice-President. In case of death, or other cause of vacancy in the office of President, he is replaced (1) by the President of the Senate of the Last Congress, and (2) if he should also fail, by the President of the Chamber of Deputies.

President of the Republic. — Dr. Jose Luis Tamai/o (September 1, 1920, to August 31, 1924).

The President, who receives a salary of 24,000 sucres a year, theoretically exercises his functions through a Cabinet of five ministers (Interior, Foreign Affairs, Public Instruction, Finance, and War) who, together with himself, may be impeached by Congress. Each minister receives a salary of 9,600 sucres a year. The President has the "power of veto, but if Congress insist on a vetoed bill becoming law, he has no alternative but to give his assent to it. He may summon an Extraordinary Congress for a specified purpose, but he cannot dissolve the Chambers or shorten their sittings.

The Council of State is formed by the President of the Supreme Court of Justice, who presides over it ; the President of the Court of Accounts ; the five Secretaries of State who can report but not vote ; two Senators ; two Deputies ; and three citizens elected annually by Congress and who, in order to be eligible, must have the qualifications necessary for being a Senator.

By the terms of the Constitution privileges of rank and race are not allowed to exist withiu the Republic. Until October 20, lit 18, most of the Indians were virtually in bondage and peonage and debt servitude existed in its worst forni3 on the landed estates. But by a Legislative decree of that date peonage was abolished. By an edict of 1896 the Indians are exempted from paying tribute, and are admitted to citizenship.

The Provinces are administered by Governors, appointed by the Govern- ment ; their subdivisions, or cantons, by political chiefs ; and the parishes by political lieutenants. The Galapagos Archipelago is under the adminis- tration of a Territorial Chief, whose functions are the same as those of a Provincial Governor.