Page:Statesman's Year-Book 1921.djvu/881

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Principal imports (in pouds):—Salt, 1,103,342; coal, 809,629; fertilisers, 481,285; sugar, 113,117. Principal exports:—Timber, 4,113,144; potatoes, 1,534,007; paper, 895,988; flax, 208,035.

Currency.—The currencies which circulate in Esthonia are the Esthonian mark, Czar rouble, Duma rouble, Kerensky rouble, Ost mark, and the Ost rouble, and also Finnish marks. An estimate of the amounts places the various currencies as follows:—Ost marks, 25,000,000; Czar roubles, 50,000,000; Duma roubles, 30,000,000; Kerensky roubles, 2,000,000; Esthonian marks, 600,000,000: Udenitch roubles, 150,000,000; and Finnish marks, 600,000,000.

Diplomatic and Consular Representatives.

1. Of Esthonia in Great Britain.

Chargé d'Affaires (ad interim).—Jaan Kopwillem.

There are Consular Representatives in London, Aberdeen, Hull, Dover, Belfast, Leith, Bo'ness, Liverpool, Methill, Alloa, Glasgow, Manchester, Dundee, Cardiff, Southampton, West Hartlepool, Swansea.

2. Of Great Britain in Esthonia.

Head of Diplomatic Mission.—E. C. C. Wilton, C.M.G.

Consul at Reval.—Peter Leslie.

Books of Reference.

Bulletin de l'Esthonie, No. 1. April, 1919. Paris.

Esthonian Review. No. 1. January, 1919. London, 1920.

Mémoire sur l'independance de l'Esthonie, presente à la Conference de la Paix par la Délegation Esthonienne.

Martna (M.), L'Esthonie. Paris, 1920.