Page:Statesman's Year-Book 1921.djvu/954

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The first railway line waa built along the coast, uniting the port of Lome with that of Grand-Popo, serving also the smaller ports of Bagida, Porto- Seguro, Petit-Popo, and Anecho. From Lome two lines were also con- structed into the interior. The first, to the town of Misahohe, passing through one of the richest sections of the colony, is 74 miles loug ; the other, which has its terminal at the town of Atakpame, is 99 miles long, and passes through the cotton-producing districts of the country.

The ports of Lome and Anecho are of modern construction, capable of sheltering and unloading vessels of any size. In 1917, 278 ships entered these ports carrying merchandise to and from the colony valued at 56 million francs.

The French Minister of the Colonies has lately announced that the French Government proposes to carry on the work started in Togo by the Germans and the British, along lines which should both benefit the natives very greatly and also help France in her work of reconstruction.

Commissioner. — M. Woelfel.

References concerning French West Africa, East Africa, Reunion, &c.

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