Page:Statesman's Year-Book 1921.djvu/956

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Population, in 1920, about 1,940,000, but no proper census has ever been taken for the Moslems and the Jews. The majority of the population consists of Bedouin Arabs and Kabyles (1,739,744 in 1919) with 50,467 Jews. The French population in 1911 (date of the last census) was esti mated as 46,044, exclusive of the army of occupation. The foreign popu lation in 1911 was estimated as about 102,432, of whom 88,082 were Italian 11,300 Anglo-Maltese, 587 Spaniards, 696 Greeks, and 1,767 other foreigners The capital, the city of Tunis, had a population of 67,129 Moslems and 26,491 Jews, besides 17,875 French, 44,237 Italians and 5,986 Maltese. By means of the canal, which was opened in 1893, Tunis is directly access- ible to ocean-going vessels.

The bulk of the population is Mohammedan under the Sheik-ul-Islam, and the revenue from the " Habus " lands, like that from the ' ' Wakf " lands in Egypt, is applied to religious, educational, and charitable purposes. There are about 35,000 Roman Catholics, under the ministration of the Archbishop of Carthage, and about 25 other clergymen. The Greek Church (400), the French Protestants, and the English Church are also represented, and there are 30 English Protestant missionaries at work.

Education.— Within the Regency there are about 313 public schools, 8 lycees and colleges, and 27 private schools (of which 6 Jewish schools are provided for by the Government). At all the schools there are 42,497 pupils, of whom 25,443 are boys. Of the total number of pupils, 10,302 are French ; 11,552 Mussulman ; 9,249 Jews ; 9,133 Italian ; 1,964 Maltese and 297 others. In the Great Mosque at Tunis there is a Mohammedan university. In the city are 86 and in the interior 1,214 Mussulman primary schools, some of them assisted by Government funds. 23 Moslem apprentice- ship-schools have been created during the last few years numbering 524 native pupils. Many private schools have recently sprung up at Tunis and Sfax. The abolition of congregational teaching decreed in France has been extended to the Regency as regards French children. The Italian Govern- ment and certain Italian societies still maintain Italian schools at Tunis and other large towns.


— Receipts and expenditure for 5 years :-


1917 l'JIS



Revenue Expenditure


2,568,649 . | 2,456,789

£ £ 8,024,915 2,795,822 2,612,9:J0 2,758,891

£ 4,808,482 4,803,409



The estimates of ordinary receipts and expenditure for the year 1919

were as follows : —

Receipts Expenditure

£ £

Taxation :— Beylical Civil List . . . 78,420

- Direct . . I . . 737,216 Residency and direct services . 920,401

  • Indirect 1,534,070 [ Charges on Public Debt . . 902,155

Monopolies:— Department! : —

Tobacco 788,884 l Finance 1,434,004

Others • 168,008 Post Office .... 200,582

Post Office, Telegraph, Ac. . 161,448 Local Administration . . 852,745

Royalties and Miscellaneous . 1,428,200

Total . . . £4,803,432

Agriculture and Commerce . 79,721

Education .... 221,687

Public Works .... 527,319

Army 31,875

Total . . . £4,803,40i»