Page:Statesman's Year-Book 1921.djvu/965

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exports, 399,1602. The chief imports are tissues, wheat, flour, metal work. The chief exports are copra (250,0002. in 1916), mother-o'-pearl, vanilla. coconuts and oranges. In 1916, vessels of 160,527 tons entered, and 163,437 tons cleared. The New Zealand company (with a French subvention) has a monthly service connecting San Francisco, New Zealand and Australia with Papeete, the Tuamoru Islands, the Marquesas, and the Leeward Islands. The shipping between the islands is carried on by sailing boats. British Consul at Tahiti. — A. Richards.

Books of Reference on Hew Caledonia and French Oceania.

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CasUot, Histoire de la Polynesia orientale. 2 voU. Paris, 1912.

Comptun (R. H). New Caledonia and the Isie of Pines, in the Geographic il Journal for February. 1917.

Courtet (H.). Noa Etablissements en Oceanic Paris. 1920.

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Huguenin (Paul), Raiatea la Sacree. In Vol. XIV. of the Bulletin da la Societi XeuehdteloUe de GtographU. Vol xi v., 1908. Neaehatel.

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Lt grand (M. A.), Au Pays dea Canaque-. La Nouvelle Caledonie en 1890 8. Paris, If 93.

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ilarin (A.), Au loin : Souvenirs des lies Paris, 1891. ~MaeQuarrie Hector), Tahiti Days. London. I

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Toln* (Corote R. F. de). Ches les Cannibalea (New Hebrides, Ac). Paiw, 1908. r ( D.), La Colonisation Francaise en Nouvelle-Caledonie. Paris, 1920.