Page:Statutes of Canada 1868.djvu/3

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An Act for continuing the Parliament of Canada, in case of the demise of the Crown

[Assented to 22nd May, 1868.]

Whereas the peace, welfare and security of this Dominion, might be exposed to great dangers, if the Parliament of Canada should be dissolved by the demise of Our Sovereign Lady, Queen Victoria, (whom God long preserve) or by the demise of any of Her Majesty's Heirs and Successors: For remedy thereof, Her Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate and House of Commons of Canada, enacts as follows:

Parliament not to be dissolved by demise of the Crown.1. No Parliament of Canada, heretofore or hereafter summoned, or called by our Sovereign Lady the Queen, or Her Heirs and Successors, shall determine or be dissolved by the demise of the Crown, but such Parliament shall continue, and may meet, convene and sit, proceed and act, notwithstanding such demise of the Crown, in the same manner as if such demise had not happened.

Right to prorogue, &c., not affected2. Nothing in the next preceding section shall alter or abridge the power of the Crown, to prorogue or dissolve the Parliament of Canada.