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The losses resulting from increased skin friction were very considerable. With one set of movable buckets only, the loss amounted to 6 per cent-that is, the impulse at 100 pounds initial gage pressure was only 94 per cent of the impulse for smooth buckets at the same pressure. The curves, Fig. 51, show the relation between the impulse as received upon smooth and upon rough buckets respectively. The runs made with two extra sets of rough buckets placed before the set of mov- able buckets show very much increased losses and indicate that the loss is directly proportional to the number of sets added. The investigators plotted a curve (not reproduced. here) based on this indication, and concluded that, calling the smooth buckets 100 per cent efficient, the following would. result from the addition of successive sets of rough buckets of the kind employed in the experiments. One set smooth buckets.. rough < 06 Two sets rough Three " Four " Efficiency. 100 per cent. 94 82 ( 61 58 12** 07 This means that if the working fluid were caused to pass through four sets of such rough buckets as used, before strik- ing the single movable row of rough buckets, the impulse upon the latter would be less than half of what would be obtained with one set of smooth buckets acted upon directly by the jet from the nozzle. The following inferences are drawn from the experimental work discussed in the preceding pages: 1. Rate of flow, by weight, is greater through an orifice with rounded entrance than if the entrance is sharp-cornered or only slightly rounded. 2. Rate of flow, by weight, is decreased by the addition of a nozzle. either diverging or straight, to the discharge side of the orifice.