Page:Stevenson - St Ives (1897).djvu/6

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Popular Six Shilling Novels

Edward Bellamy


Hall Caine

The Christian

The Manxman

The Scapegoat

The Bondman

Richard Harding Davis

Soldiers ok Fortune

Harold Frederic


Sarah Grand

The Heavenly Twins


Our Manifold Nature

M. Hamilton

IMcLeod of the Camerons

A Selk-Denying Ordinance

Robert Hichens

' The Folly of Eustace

An Imaginative Man

Annie E. Holdsworth

The Gods Arrive

The Years that the Locust hath Eaten

Henry James

What Maisie Knew '

The Other House

The Spoils of Povnton



W. E. Norris

Marietta's Marriage

The Dancer in Yellow

A Victim of Good Luck

The Countess Radna

Flora Annie Steel

In the Permanent Way

On the Face of the Waters

The Potter's Thumb

From the Five Rivers

Robert Louis Stevenson

St. Ivks

The Em; Tide

E. L. Voynich

The Gadfly

I. Zangwill

The Master

The King of Schnorrers

Children op the Ghhtto

The Premier and the Painter

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