Page:Stevenson - Weir of Hermiston (1896).djvu/329

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Walford (Edward. M.A.), Works by.

Walford's County Families of the United Kingdom (1808). Containing the Descent, Birth, Marriage, Education, &c, of 12,000Heads of Families, their Heirs, Offices, Addresses, &c. Royal 8vo, clotli gilt, 50J. . . _ .

Walford*s Shilling Peerage (1806). Contalohisr « List of the House of Lords. Scotch and Irish Peers, &c. 321110, cloth, is.

Walford's Shilling Baronetage (1806). Containing a List of the Baronets of the United Kingdom, Biographical Notices, Addresses, &c. szmo, cloth, is.

Walford's Shilling Knightage (1896). Containing a List of the Knights of the United Kinjjdom, Biographical Notices, Addresses, &c. 32mo, cloth, is.

Walford's Shilling House of Commons (1898). Containing a Ust of all the Members of the

New Parliament, their Addresses, Club-, &c. 32mo, cloth, is. Walford's Complete Peerage, Baronetage. Knlghtagei and HoaM of Commoua

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and Restored by MONCUKE D. CONWAV. Fcap. 8vo. Japanese vellum, as. 6d.

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