Page:Stewart Edward White--The Rose Dawn.djvu/362

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can be got together in Arguello County." His tone was perfectly polite, but a faint shadow of a smile touched his lips beneath his neat moustache. Confound the fellow, thought Boyd, he knows only too well what to expect of these jay juries! And the thought caused a new surge of anger within him.

No further word was spoken until they approached the edge of town.

"Where can I put you down?" asked Corbell, courteously.

Boyd glanced at his watch. It was after four. The higher officials would have gone home, in accordance with the leisurely custom of the day; but the subordinates would still be at work.

"Leave me at the First National," he said, curtly.

The curtains were drawn, but his rattle of the door brought him speedy admittance. Crosby, the assistant cashier, sat at the big flat desk in the front office.

"How do, Mr. Boyd," he greeted, cheerfully. "Been off on quite a trip!"

"Yes," rejoined Boyd shortly. "Just back. Delayed. Now about that Peyton deal. Sorry not to have been here on the appointed day. Papers all ready?"

"Oh, that's all finished up——"

"Finished up?" repeated Boyd. "What do y'mean!"

"We handed over the papers and got our money yesterday."

Boyd's heavy brows shot together menacingly, and his neck swelled. But Crosby, unconscious of an impending outburst, went on.

"We would have liked your written authorization, naturally," he remarked, with a delicate shade of reproof in his tone, "but of course it was all right. Both Mr. Mills and myself remembered you said that the property was for Kenneth; but we could not recall, nor did the minutes show, whether you wanted the transfer made in his name or in yours. But you can fix it with him of course in any way you please. We told him your absence did not matter: that we could wait until your return, but he seemed anxious to finish it up, so we did so."

Would you mind telling me what you are talking about?" growled Boyd.