Page:Stories Translated from the German.djvu/106

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A skull was standing upon the table. The doctor raised it up to the lamp, saying, "I have never seen a more perfectly formed death's-head! How straight the back part of the head rises and the fore part of the cranium extends itself in so wonderful a manner, that nearly the whole of the circle of the head is concealed by it. Here, in a direct line, is the bone of the nose, and the mouth is placed unusually far back—and how fresh those little white teeth are! It is the greatest wonder of all skulls! and almost as great a wonder that I should find it! I was just walking through the church-yard—my usual walk of penitence—when the grave digger cast it up out of a newly-made grave. Here, my friends, examine it minutely—it is a masterpiece of the Creator, and such a skull you do not see every day!"

John took the skull, and held it up to the light, examining it with attention. He was sitting in