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one drop to the remembrance of old times. Be assured, that which I do at present is honourable, for I bear your name.


Calling his only attendant to him, and giving him gold, he bade him carry the letter to the king of England; and by no means to return, as he should pass forthwith into Germany. And wringing him by the hand, they parted.

As soon as he was gone, Alfred changed his habit; took a herdsman's staff, went to the gates of the Duke of Tuscany and demanded to see him. Now the duke had just returned from hunting, and Alfred approached like a nobleman, but demanded of him only to be his servant or page. The duke, seeing the greatness of the man through the poorness of his habit, entertained him, and granted his request; and, liking his face, placed him close to his person. Presently the duchess came riding in, he spoke to her of what he had done; and when she saw Alfred, she approved it all. The duke desired him to help his lady from her horse; but he began to shake like a leaf, looked down, and was rooted to the ground. The duke unhorsed the lady, chiding Alfred for his poorness; he laying it to his new fortune, that had gladdened