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and mature had his plan become, that he was within a little space of success. Now the king, cursing his own folly, banished him for nine years; and Philippo was laughed at by all who knew him.

He left Naples with a heavy heart, and went into Florence; where (not being able to go to any business, despising it, and being of a robust make) he laboured in gardens and vineyards, and worked in the harvest; but evermore having in sight the point where the ships had sunk, and his great design.

When five years were expired, war was raging furiously at Naples, and the king and country were in imminent danger; the king having only a handful of troops at command, and no money to fee others to assist him. Philippo, full of his ancient courage and fortitude, buckled on a belt and thereto a sword, and covering himself with a pilgrim's habit, went, through many dangers, to Naples; and going to the king's tent, he reported himself as one who could assist him in his exigencies. Being admitted, and alone with the king, he disclosed himself and his purpose; saying, "My life is forfeit; if you please, destroy me. But I pray you have faith in me only this once." And, after some talk, the king said to him, "I am full of wonder at thy great determi-