Page:Stories and story-telling (1915).djvu/178

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And all the family came up to hear her answer and it wasn't no, so it must have been yes.

"What hast thou to keep house on?" said Mother Hen to her daughter.

And Brother Bantam answered for her, "A sweet voice;" and Sister Cluck added, "A sweet temper."

"With these to begin,"
Said Mother Hen,
"There'll be no din."

"What is thy trade, young Master Cock?" asked Father Rooster; "art thou a tailor?"

"Something else for my talents."

"A blacksmith?"

"It suits me not."

"Perhaps thou art a watchmaker."

"No, but I'm a time-keeper; I tell people when it is time to rise and go about their work. Is it not a useful trade?"

"That it is.

"Gladly we give thee fair Peep,
To love and to keep
Safe in thy heart,
Till death do thee part."

"Then come, thou, sweet wife,
My love and my life,
Step out by my side,
My bonny wee bride."