Page:Stories as a mode of thinking.djvu/21

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1. What thought on the subject of Demons is embodied in the Mephistophilis of Marlowe?
2. Bring out the leading points in the final scene of Faustus.
3. Show how Marlowe's Story exhibits a soul being 'lost' in this

world. Is any external force used on Faust before the end of the



1. Discuss the Witches and Apparitions in Macbeth: (1) Were they

real? (2) Did their interposition make any difference to men or

2. Compare Macbeth, Lady Macbeth and Banquo as types of personages differently affected by the Supernatural.
3. "If they hear not Moses and the Prophets, neither will they be

converted though one rise from the dead." Comment upon this

saying in the light of this week's study.


1. "Curses are like young chickens, etc." Show how this proverb

and other maxims of Destiny are set forth in the action of

Southey's poem.
2. Show how the Amreeta Cup, the Curse (ii. 14), Yamen, Lorrinite, are concrete embodiments of metaphysical ideas.
3. Illustrate Southey as a word-painter.
4. Compare Greek conceptions of Hades, Tartarus, Cupid, with their oriental counterparts in Southey's poem.


1. Bring out (especially by quotations from her speeches) some of

the more striking ideas embodied in the conception of the 'White

2. Illustrate the love of mischief and caprice displayed by the White

Lady, and show that these are consistent with the general notion of

Elemental Spirits.