Page:Stories from the Arabian nights 1907 - Houseman - Dulac.djvu/18

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13. Thus by her wicked machinations the city became a lake 22
14. Great was the astonishment of the Vizier and the Sultan's escort 27
15. Their chief in a low but distinct voice uttered the two words "Open Sesame!" 32
16. Ali Baba departed for the town a well satisfied man 34
17. As soon as he came in she began to jeer at him 36
18. Greater still was the exultation of a greedy nature like that of Cassim's 38
19. Mustapha doubted much of his ability to refrain from question 43
20. This way and that she led him blindfold 44
21. Having transformed himself by disguise 46
22. "Sir," said he, "I have brought my oil a great distance to sell to-morrow" 51
23. She poured into each jar in turn a sufficient quantity of the boiling oil to scald its occupant to death 54
24. When Morgiana, who had remained all this time on the watch 56
25. Then for the last figure of all she drew out the dagger 63