Page:Stories of Prince Lupin.pdf/16

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and wondered at by the whole court. The best way to divert her, they thought, would be to urge her to marry; which the princess, who was now become less obstinate on that point than formerly, consented to; and thinking that such a pigmy as the Yellow Dwarf would not dare to contend with so gallant a person as the King of the Golden Mines; she fixed upon this king for her husband, who was exceedingly rich and powerful, and loved her to distraction. The most superb preparations were made for the nuptials’ and the happy day was fixed; when, as they were proceeding to the ceremony, they saw moving towards them a box, whereon sat an old woman remarkable for her ugliness.———“Hold queen and princess,” cried she, knitting her brows, “remember the promises you both made to my friend the Yellow Dwarf. I am the Desert Fairy, and if All-Fair does not marry him, I swear by my coif, I will burn my crutch." The queen and princess were struck motionless by this unexpected greeting of the Fairy; but the Prince of the Golden Mines was exceeding worth; and, holding his sword to her throat, “Fly wretch!” said he, or thy malice shall cost thee thy life." No sooner had he uttered these words, than the top of the box flying off, out came the Yellow Dwarf, mounted upon a large