Page:Stories of the Sea.djvu/160

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concealed identity which might have saved me. I attempted to deceive my associate by the desperate subterfuge of a forged cable message calling me abroad on family affairs; made up my luggage and boarded the steamer almost at the hour of sailing, only to find myself unmasked at the last moment.

I feel no longing for the life I am about to end, nor do I leave a single soul who will mourn my death. I regret, alone, that restitution is beyond my power. The sea is merciful to me in all else.

Lansing Black.

“Poor fellow!” said Farnham. “How bad a matter was it?”

“Extensive forgeries and about sixteen thousand pounds in hard cash, supposed to be with him,” replied Lethbridge. “That’s all we know. Particulars by mail.”

“I am glad Leath is out of it, at all events,” said Farnham, heartily enough.

“So am I, sir,” echoed the purser; “but I’m