Page:Stories of the Sea.djvu/171

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ready for him. That won’t be until day after to-morrow, as I must send a man out of town to bring up another party that we shall need.”

“But suppose—” said Farnham, who would have preferred immediate action; “suppose, meanwhile, our man takes it into his head to leave.”

“Then I’ll stop him at a venture,” said Lethbridge, with a grim smile, “but I don’t want to move a minute too soon if I can help it. Now, I want you to take a table near him in the coffee-room—say to-morrow at breakfast.”

“But I’m not staying there,” objected Farnham.

“Take a room there over-night,” said Lethbridge, promptly, “and give ’em a wrong name.”

“I don’t fancy doing that,” said Farnham, after a moment’s reflection.

“There isn’t a bit of ’arm in it,” said Lethbridge, “and it will help us a lot.”