Page:Story of Turkey and Armenia.djvu/19

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Story of Turkey and Armenia.



One of the three most remarkable epochs in the world's history was the Gothic age. With it we irresistibly associate the barons of Runnymede, the great names of Saint Louis and Saint Ferdinand, the greater name of Dante. We rarely remember to put with them another name, representing, it is true, no Christian advance; instead, one in Islam. The name is Othman or Osman, and from that name is derived Ottoman or Osmanli. Othman's father was the leader of a wild heathen band from Central Asia. Until recently the subjects of the Ottoman Empire have recognized only the name Ottomans or Osmanlis, not that of Turk, which applies to a wider race. The Uighurs, or Turks, were pushed forth from Central Asia by the Mongols. The Turks gradually came west, and were probably, like the Kurds of today, a wild race supplying neighboring rulers with mercenary troops. They settled in Khorasan (the northeastern province of Persia). They began their career first as slaves and then as mercenary soldiers. Being of great beauty and vigor, they were favorites with all the princes with whom they came in contact, and whom they well served. They developed be-