Page:Strange Interlude (1928).djvu/135

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stairs and bring them in here and cover up my absence. Thank heavens, Charlie won’t stay long if Ned is here.

[The doorbell rings—excitedly]

There’s one of them now. I’ll run upstairs. Come up and tell me if it’s Ned—and get rid of Charlie.

[She kisses him playfully and hurries out]


[Looking after her—thinks]

She seems better tonight . . . happier . . . she seems to love me . . . if she’ll only get all well again, then everything will . . .

[The bell rings again]

I must give Ned a good chance to talk to her . . .

[He goes out to the outer door—returns a moment later with Marsden. The latter’s manner is preoccupied and nervous. His face has an expression of anxiety which he tries to conceal. He seems a prey to some inner fear he is trying to hide even from himself and is resolutely warding off from his consciousness. His tall, thin body stoops as if a part of its sustaining will had been removed]


[With a rather forced welcoming note]

Come on in, Charlie. Nina’s upstairs lying down.


[With marked relief]

Then by all means don’t disturb her. I just dropped in to bring back her outline with the suggestions I’ve made.

[He has taken some papers out of his pocket and hands them to Evans]

I couldn’t have stayed but a minute in any event. Mother is a bit under the weather these days.