Page:Strange Interlude (1928).djvu/137

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[Annoyed at himself]

Why did I lie to him about her age? . . . I must be on edge . . . Mother is rather difficult to live with these days, getting me worried to death, when it’s probably nothing . . .


[Annoyed in his turn—thinking]

Why all the fuss? . . . as if I gave a damn if the old girl was a million! . . .

[Indicating the papers]

I’ll give these to Nina first thing in the morning.



Righto. Thank you.

[He starts to go toward door—then turns—fussily]

But you’d better take a look while I’m here and see if it’s clear. I’ve written on the margins. See if there’s anything you can’t make out.

[Evans nods helplessly and begins reading the sheets, going back beneath the lamp]


[Looking around him with squeamish disapproval]

What a mess they’ve made of this study . . . poor Professor! . . . dead and forgotten . . . and his tomb desecrated . . . does Sam write his ads here of a week-end now? . . . the last touch! . . . and Nina labors with love at Gordon’s biography . . . whom the Professor hated! . . . “life is so full of a number of things!” . . . why does everyone in the world think they can write?