Page:Strange Interlude (1928).djvu/40

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[Her voice becoming a bit uncanny, her thoughts breaking through]

No, I’m not myself yet. That’s just it. Not all myself. But I’ve been becoming myself. And I must finish!

Professor Leeds

[With angry significance—to Marsden]

You hear her, Charlie? She’s a sick girl!


[Slowly and strangely]

I’m not sick. I’m too well. But they are sick and I must give my health to help them to live on, and to live on myself.

[With a sudden intensity in her tone]

I must pay for my cowardly treachery to Gordon! You should understand this, Father, you who—

[She swallows hard, catching her breath]

[Thinking desperately]

I’m beginning to tell him! . . . I mustn’t! . . . he’s my father! . . .

Professor Leeds

[In a panic of guilty fear, but defiantly]

What do you mean? I am afraid you’re not responsible for what you’re saying.


[Again with the strange intensity]

I must pay! It’s my plain duty! Gordon is dead! What