Page:Strange Interlude (1928).djvu/42

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[With fierce self-contempt]

I gave him? What did I give him? It’s what I didn’t give! That last night before he sailed—in his arms until my body ached—kisses until my lips were numb—knowing all that night—something in me knowing he would die, that he would never kiss me again—knowing this so surely yet with my cowardly brain lying, no, he’ll come back and marry you, you’ll be happy ever after and feel his children at your breasts looking up with eyes so much like his, possessing eyes so happy in possessing you!

[Then violently]

But Gordon never possessed me! I’m still Gordon’s silly virgin! And Gordon is muddy ashes! And I’ve lost my happiness forever! All that last night I knew he wanted me. I knew it was only the honorable code-bound Gordon, who kept commanding from his brain, no, you mustn’t, you must respect her, you must wait till you have a marriage license!

[She gives a mocking laugh]

Professor Leeds


Nina! This is really going too far!



[With a superior sneer]

Oh, come now, Nina! You’ve been reading books. Those don’t sound like your thoughts.