Page:Strange Interlude (1928).djvu/86

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If I love her! . . . oh, I do love her!


Anything you wish, Nina—anything!


[With a comforted smile, closing her eyes and cuddling up against him]

I knew you would. Dear old Charlie!

[As he gives a wincing start]

What is it?

[She looks up into his face]


[Forcing a smile—ironically]

Twinge—rheumatics—getting old, Nina.

[Thinking with wild agony]

Dear old Charlie! . . . descended again into hell! . . .

[Then in a flat voice]

What do you want to be punished for, Nina?


[In a strange, far-away tone, looking up not at him but at the ceiling]

For playing the silly slut, Charlie. For giving my cool clean body to men with hot hands and greedy eyes which they called love! Ugh!

[A shiver runs over her body]


[Thinking with sudden agony]

Then she did! . . . the little filth! . . .