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Strange and Wonderful Prophecies.

Fowls their appointed time observe,
wots not the night from noon.

Whose [1] heart made equal with the Beast,
driven out with those that Bray;
The Diadem as well fits thee,
Ass, go, as much to say,
[2] Until return'd came to himself,
knew him that rules on high,
Over the sons of men appoints
what office they supply.

[3] During which space, this Assyrian,
what watch kept night and day,
Thus metamorphos'd, over him,
lest make himself away.
[4] Fields, woods as well, ring out, as men
for woe, and Echoes call
Mercy this savage King upon,
in holy Temples all.

Bewailed, dejected soul, thus fallen,
fed now grazing full low,
whilst they bedew the ground with tears

[5] discerns not friend from foe.
  1. Here she prophecied that his Entrails should be taken out, and his body be embalmed.
  2. She speaks this of his spiritual estate, that God in mercy hath saved his soul.
  3. During the time of the Kings imprisonment, there were Guards upon him night and day.
  4. This fell out true, for he was much lamented, by those of his own party especially.
  5. It was grown to a common Proverb that the King knew not his friends from his foes, all being abas'd, and none daring to stir or move for him.