Page:Strategy of the Communists - A letter from the Communist International to the Mexican Communist Party.pdf/15

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enthusiasm of the revolutionary section of the Mexican working class, today it lies defeated, the result of the tactics of Quinteros and of the agents of the Government. But hundreds of the best and most loyal workers are still in the C. G. T., ready to sacrifice their lives for the sake of the proletarian revolution. The Communist International has never undervalued the strength and the revolutionary will of the anarchists and syndicalists, who are honestly fighting for the freedom of the working class. The fight of the Communist International is directed only against those anarchistic elements who, in their blind hatred of the communist movement and of Soviet Russia, slander communism and sabotage the common struggle of the working class against the bourgeoisie. The communists have always been and always are ready to fight side by side with all revolutionary workers. But they will never look on in silence while the organizations of the working class are being crushed. Our tactics toward the sham anarchists of the type of Quinteros are the same as our tactics toward the sham socialists of the type of Morones. The Party must say to the honest elements among the anarchists and syndicalists: We demand nothing from you but a joint struggle with us for the demands and interests of the whole working class. We are opposed to the anarchistic tactics, because we are firmly convinced, and because the history of all class-struggles and especially of the Russian Revolution has demonstrated, that the oppressed workers and peasants can overthrow the mastery of the bourgeoisie only as a consciously organized class. But organization requires comprehension, centralization, leadership, discipline, and the possibility of manoeuvering swiftly with the striking strength of the proletariat. The federalism of the anarchists and of the anarcho-syndicalists is opposed to all these demands of the organized class struggle and, wittingly or unwittingly, makes it easier for the class enemies of the proletariat to oppress the working masses.

The liquidation of the social-reformist leader cliques and of the petty-bourgeois, anarcho-syndicalistic ideology, is the purpose of the fight for the united front. This fight is the political forge of the Communist Party; in it the interests of the proletariat, of the poor peasants and of the exploited petty-bourgeois are welded into a united class interests of all exploited masses; and here the weapons are forged for the struggle against the capitalistic social system and for the conquest of political and economic power by the workers and peasants. Closely connected with the question of the united front is the slogan of the Workers' and Peasants' Government.