Page:Strength from Eating.djvu/53

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tage possessed by these waters is merely the fact that one drinks a larger quantity of them than ordinary water, and the body is thus flushed and cleansed. If one would simply secure some pure water and by adding salt or any harmless element that will cause him to drink largely increased quantities of it, exactly identical results can be produced, to those brought about by the use of mineral waters. The principal ingredient in most of these mineral waters which causes one to largely increase the amount used, is salt. This may have an advantageous influence, upon the system when the body is filled with impurities, as the purifying quality of salt is well known, though some hygienists claim, probably with grounds for their conclusion, that salt if used continually in great quantities, has a tendency to dry up the tissues.

The best way to judge as to the purity of the water is to carefully note as to whether it has the slightest taste, and if there is no indication of this, you can depend upon its purity. Of course where one's taste has been blunted by over-eating and other intemperate indul-