Page:Strength from Eating.djvu/57

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One of the greatest sins against the body is overeating. The intemperate indulgence in alcoholic liquors, is, unquestionably, a great evil. It fills thousands of graves, and ruins thousands of homes, annually. But the evil of alcoholic intemperance is at nothing when compared to the evil of overeating. The habit of overeating is almost universal. Hardly a home exists that is not made unhappy, to a greater or less extent, by this habit. Hardly a life has been wrecked in health that this evil has not played an important part in causing the wreckage? In fact the evil of alcoholic intemperance itself, is largely caused by overeating. The stomach becomes overloaded; the mass refuses to digest—it ferments, and there is a desire for something, the victim hardly knows what—anything to rid the stomach of its vile contents. Alcohol affords this temporary relief. It spurs