Page:Strength from Eating.djvu/74

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adopting this new diet I met wrestlers who seemed as strong and as scientific as I, but I felt at the time that they were doomed to defeat simply because my diet was superior to theirs, and, as stated in another chapter, never on any occasion after I adopted this plan of diet was I thrown a single fall in a wrestling match at my favorite style.

About the easiest method of giving this two-meal-a-day plan a trial, if living with a family where three daily meals are served, is to avoid breakfast altogether, eating your first meal at noon; or, if this is difficult, the first meal can be eaten in the morning, and the other meal in the evening. The best time to eat under these circumstances is the first meal between 10.30 and 11.30, and the second meal between 5.30 and 6.30. Usually the hours here mentioned will be found satisfactory, but the occupation, the hour of rising and retiring would naturally have considerable influence upon the proper time for meals. The first meal should be eaten from four to five hours after rising, and the second meal should follow this