Page:Strength from Eating.djvu/79

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Though I am inclined to favor what is called a vegetarian diet, when milk and eggs are not excluded, I am not one of those who holds that a high degree of health cannot also be acquired and retained with a mixed diet. I firmly believe that meat is, to a certain extent, stimulating in character, and that more impurities will be deposited in the body under its influence than that of the vegetarian regimen. Fasting will be necessary more often, as a means of cleansing the body when meat is used than with a strictly vegetable diet. However, if one takes regular exercise, does not gourmandize, and fasts when necessary, he can undoubtedly follow the mixed diet, and live to a good old age, and probably enjoy as good health as the non-meat-eater.

The average man, if left to his own choice, readily adopts the combination diet. To some