Page:Stringer - Lonely O'Malley.djvu/91

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by a sudden electric shock. Then, without moving from the spot where he lay, he began to weep, audibly and convulsively.

"Come down from that roof, Lionel Clarence!" said his father, with significant solemnity, as he strode wrathfully out into the back yard. Lionel Clarence, wailing more eloquently than ever, slowly and reluctantly made his descent.

"A son of mine, indulging in the pernicious and loathsome practice of smoking, of loitering with evil companions!" A moment after saying this a mysterious cabbage-root landed with a resounding whack against the driving-shed wall. The Preacher looked quickly about, but no one was in sight. Then he reached forth and grasped his son and heir, firmly and significantly.

"Remember, James, he is your son!" cried the half-relenting mother from the upper hall window, as she saw the two disappear into the secrecy of the driving-shed. A moment later vigorous and prolonged cries came forth into the still afternoon air. Lonely listened, with one shoulder hunched up, his eye glued to the back fence.