Page:Studies in Lowland Scots - Colville - 1909.djvu/310

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  • Eis-arn, 26, 259, iron. Du. ijzer, O. H. G. Isarn, Ger. Eisen
  • Elephant, 21, 74, 105; elephant first in Edinburgh (1680). "Of the ultimate ety. nothing is really known."—N. E. D. Deriv. in text, that of the late Prof. Aufrecht, a Sanskrit scholar of European repute
  • Elshon, 134. Orc. alison; E. awl, Ger. Ahle; root, Sans. ar-pa-ya, to pierce, causal of ri, to go
  • Elys, 62, 251, eels (Barb.)
  • E-nyuch, 13, enough; Ger. genug; Go. pref. pres. ga-nah, it suffices, ga-nohs, sufficient
  • Erde, 49, earth. Also airth, yird
  • Ernin, 133, rennet. M. E. rennen, to run in sense of coagulate, var. earn, yearn, A. S. yrnan, to run
  • Erp, 248, to. See arbi, arpiet
  • Esk, 166, river
  • Esk, 149, Fi. newt
  • Etter-cop, 204, the spider; etter-cap. Ger. Eiter, A. S. áttor, poison, O. N. eitr; cop, cob, a tuft, a spider, C. Du. kop, any round lump or knob
  • Ettle, 75, 97. Ic. aetla, ettla, to think, determine
  • Even, 88, think equal to
  • Except, 90, 91
  • Expiry, expiration, 92
  • Expressions for small quantities, 138
  • Extinguish, 72, Sc. law
  • Eyme, eem, 63, 69, 71, uncle; Du. oom, A. S. éam, E. G. eme, uncle on the mother's side, Lat. avunculus, Go. *auh-aims, where h=c (Lat.). Lat. avus, Go. awo, grandmother, Ger. Oheim. See Oom Paul, 63


  • F sound, 111
  • Fa', 82, fall
  • Faarar, farder, 195
  • Faarder, 195, farther
  • Faar-keeker, 197, C. Du.
  • Fadar, 18, 247, Go. Sc. fethir, faethir, E. father
  • Fadreins, 18, Go. parents
  • Fael, feal, 149, 200, a sod; turf, Gael, fàl, a sod
  • Faggot, 135, 182
  • Fagrs, 29, Go. fair, from faih-an, to suit, Ger. fug-en, causal of fagrs=to make suitable, A. S. faegrs, fair
  • Fâhan, 212, Go. to grasp, A. S. fon, vangen (Taal). Kl. "conn. of finger. Go. figgr-s, with this root fanh not certain"
  • Faihu, 10, 20, 21, 250, Go. cattle, or. property in cattle. Du. vee, Ger. Vieh, Ic. fe, Sc. fe
  • Fail, 72, 137, become bankrupt
  • Fair horney, 127, 187, fairplay in the game of "hornie;" descr. by Jam. sub voce
  • Fairzna, 18, Go. heel, Ger. Ferse, pres. only in Ger. among Teut. tongues
  • Familiar epithets in Taal, Sc. and E. 194
  • Familiar thou, 172
  • Fani, 23, Go. fen, mud, Fr. fene, Du. veen
  • Fank, 65, 212, a sheep-pen. Gael. Fang, faing, valve of a pump-well, fang, v. to catch; Ger. fangen, Go. figgrs, finger.

"He thocht the warlocks o' the rosy cross
Had fanged him in their nets sae fast."

"Bord. Minstr."

  • Fanners, 146, winnowing or dichting machine, brought from Holland by Meikle, 1710
  • Farm-toon, 25, 65, homestead
  • Faths, 18, 24, 247, Go. lord of the feast, conn. Go. fodr, a sheath, as the protector. See Indo–Eur. preserved only in Sans., Go., and Lat., akin to fath-er. See fother
  • Fauho, 20, fox, peculiarly Teut.; or. the tailed one. Sans, puccha, a tail
  • Faus, 29, few. Lat. paucus, Go. fawai, pl.
  • Faw, 124, 210, Ger. Falle; mooss-faw, C. Du. muis-val, N. müs-föll, mouse-fall or trap, what falls. Cf. pit-fall
  • Fawmous, 175, Fi. falmishly, Cu.